
Someone's got a job ....

Good news everyone ....
I got a job in the little restaurant in Douglas I told u about last week!! Well, I don't really trust those people, that's why I'm going to keep on searching, but the staff manager said he would keep an open place for me, so we'll see.
I can call him the week before I want to start working and they will show me everything. I'll start as a 'helper' they call it and after some time of course improve myself. But as I already said: We'll see if those people of the restaurant industry can be trusted or not (cos as far as u know I haven't made so good experiences last summer in the 'Schlosswirt zu Anif').

I really had one great week-end!! On Friday I wanted to go out but then wasn't cos I simply wasn't in the mood and furthermor I didn't want 2 spend money on alcohol when I can invest it in much better things like books and so on.
Well, so on Saturday after having neither an idea nor the right motivation Michael and I went for a little walk in Douglas and then got the bus into the city centre. He bought some necessities like blank cds and soon we went back home and watched 'The DaVinci Code' with Pat (well, she was more absent than present but me n Michael had a good time). But the movie was one miserable production though, really!! Wasn't excited at all!

AND on Sunday my 'hostfamily-mate' and I went to Kinsale, a little sleepy town in the southwest of Cork where we already could smell the salty air of the near sea ....
We went there with some Germans from our school and more or less had a good time just strolling around, examining churches, the little 'port' with mainly sailing boats and going for one drink.
We actually wanted to see the fort which is situated 'just a bit' outside the town, which by irish description would have meant up to two hours on foot or the loss of a lot of money when taking the taxi, but then for the said reason abandonned the plan and just stayed in walking distance from the bus station.

We arrived there at about 1pm and went back at about 5pm. When we arrived back in Cork, Aleks, the polish friend of mine who is living in Dublin, was already waiting for us. We fetched the car from the car park and went on our way home.
After dinner Aleks and I talked for a while and then decided to go for a ride somewhere but before I was allowed to try driving on the left side on a Tesco parking space for some time.
Then we went by car into the city centre, drove north, made a huge loop way around Cork city and got lost. Somehow we managed to get back but it took us longer than we would have imagined (about half an hour), so we must have been really far away! lol
Well, anyway, when we got back to civilisation, he even let me drive the last bit home which was for about ten minutes and surprisingly it went awfully great!!

So, yesterday was great. We came back at 11.15pm and talked some more in the living room where we totally overlooked the time and realised only shortly before 1am how late it was.
He gave us a lift to school today in the morning and after all I really enjoyed having had him here and seeing him again.

So, I have another matter to discuss but I will do that in another entry in a minute so you don't get confused. rofl
Cu lads and keep your pecker up!!


Ps: I'm enjoying a free single life again .... *smile*

And now to the other matter:

Kouhei, Nirah and Markus aligned with me today and we went to George to complain about mainly the structure of the course and some other issues as well.
He spoke to us individually and made notes of our requests and grievances which included changing the second class teacher (who is Orla, the sensitive bundle of nerves) to someone else like 'Master Thomas', my hero!! lol
No, I'm exaggerating but Tom really should be the best cos he was a Cambridge Exam examiner in the past and therefore has an idea what's going on.

So George, who is in responsible for organisation matters in this school, told us that he'll have to make up his mind and will let us know tomorrow. He as well stated that it is very unlikely we could change teachers because, which I understand completely, there are not a lot of possibilities for swapping and Thomas is as well a very acknowledged Business English teacher which is what he's teaching at the moment in the 2nd class.
Well, tomorrow the final decision will be revealed to us and currently we can't do anything else than waiting and hoping.

That is all for today cos I want to go on with the fascinating book I just recently began, which is absolutely addicting and is named 'The Hound Of The Baskervilles' by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
It was and still is the most popular and most selled adventure of Sherlock Holmes. The language is very very old-fashioned but one definately gets used to it and there are a lot of useful expressions to be learned by reading it.

Good day to you my dearest friends and family members for I have to end this conference.
May we hear from each other soon!

Joanne the bookworm.

Ps: I'll update my photopage soon with pictures from my 'hosthome', Pat, the two lovely dogs and Kinsale of course.

Éirinn go Brách

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