
Hej lads!

My first day at work was pretty cool. All the staff r very nice and I get on well with everyone but it was sort of hard because Monday was a bank holiday and so the restaurant was packed with people. Hard times I can tell ya and I didn't get very much 'training' so to say. I was completely wrecked after only five hours of work and slept nearly twelve hours without waking up.

The second day was ok as well, more things to do though but I coped better than I had thought I would before. Anyhow, remembering all the names of the personnel was one hell of work. Still don't know everyone. lol But after my five hours I saw an improvement in my physical fatigue 'cos I wasn't as knackored as on Monday.

Third day came and although I took the day AND night menu with me home on Monday it was impossible to look up all the vocabs and learn all the dishes by heart until then. The menu embraces 'bout 300 different dishes so I'm asking u: how fast can u learn them?
Well, in the end it didn't matter 'cos knowing all the dishes and what goes with them or which possibilities of choosing the side dishes the customer has is so different from standing in the kitchen and trying to recognise the foods in front of u.
There u have about ten different sorts of curry, ten different sorts of how potatoes can be prepared and they all look the same.
Just to give u an example:

Blue Rich Salad and Emperor Salad are exactly the same (mixed salad with chicken stripes and bacon) except for the Blue Rich Salad being served with a sauce and the Emperor Salad with (sometimes) two pieces of garlic bread. OR:
Barbecue Potatoes being exactly the same as Garlic Potatoes. ....
You can't learn that at home, only in the restaurant!

So on Wednesday I stayed until nearly the end, so 'bout seven hours altogether, and in the end my superior broke to me that he was planning on sending me alone on the floor the upcoming Monday. He as well added that he was concerned 'bout me having my own section (six tables) but because it is always so busy in there I didn't have a proper training and therefore was kind of relieved when on Thursday he told me he had changed his mind and wouldn't.
But particularly on that day the staff and chefs were very supportive and helpful. The called out the finished dishes by name for me and explained things although there wasn't much time.

Well, on Thursday working was very hectic and I didn't learn anything .... I only polished bloody glasses, cleared, cleaned and layed tables and bored meself to death 'cos I wasn't allowed to do this and wasn't allowed to do that .... Blah blah blah ....
That day I stayed until the end (so between twelve and half twelve) and wasn't very happy 'bout how things were going or better: how things weren't going!

Finally Friday came and I again only had five hours to work and although I should have been in training I was 'floating', which means that u don't work in one particular section but move between all four and see whom and how u could help.
I prepared loads of desserts then but didn't learn anything new.
When I finished at Midnight I looked on the roasters for next week and although I should have been on 'standby' on Sunday (so they call me if there is need for me) and the whole week on for forty hours, I was on the list only next Thursday and Friday and each day during daytime and only five hours.

So I went into the office and talked to my superior again. He then told me that they were searching for a waitress and I wasn't one and that they needed one immediately 'cos the exam season in college starts soon and they're having a lot of college students working there.
Well, I of course defended meself by saying that he didn't know if I could cope with serving if he wasn't letting me at least try for one week. I stressed that I didn't have ANY training and that learning and recognising dishes are a different kettle of fish but he gave me my salary from that week, said he would talk to the boss again if there is some work for me during the day and let me go sad, down and disappointed.

Of course he didn't phone me today and when I called him he told me the obvious: that there was no work whatsoever.
I just don't understand what difference it makes if he hires a 'real' waitress maybe next week 'cos that person would have to settle in at least one week as well and till then I would be able to serve!!

Whatever. I already dropped in two CVs into two other restaurants in the area and Pat helped me phoning three others in the city centre so we'll see .... But I'm not happy at the mo I can tell u.

The other main problem is that I'm getting crazy with seeing 'James on the rocks' everywhere!! FCUK!!

I'll tell u as soon as possible if I have any news 'bout work and when I have sorted out my love life, k?!

Have a nice time,
Yours Joanne.

Éirinn go Brách

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