
Someone's in the mood of writing ....

I know I haven't been writing some time now but things don't get easier around here. Although we could have a lot more work to do I'm busy with keeping up. Just today I copied some phrasal verbs to learn them by heart and some homework is awaiting me as well.
I'm a bit exhausted today and on the verge of falling asleep while sitting or standing but apart from that (and the cold Pat passed on to me) I'm feeling very good and had a fine day.

The last week was full of hanging around at someone's place, studying hard and doing whatever I felt like and then last Friday Enrico came for dinner to my house (which was a bit of a change to the dull evenings).
It was a really, really, really nice evening and after the dinner we drank the vine Enrico had brought while watching 'Out Of Africa' together with Pat. He then took the last bus home and again I was alone.
But not for very long 'cos my little boyfriend visited me and arrived Saturday evening. We went straight to the pub where we stayed with Pat and Marc till curfew and i think I can state without fear of contradiction that we highly enjoyed ourselves.
Alex learned some English, we met some new people and I learned more about the evolution of the English language from a computer specialist (just imagine that :) ).

So Saturday was fine and we then hardly did anything on Sunday morning. Well, that's not entirely right because I was up and helped Pat in the household and Alex stayed in bed and overslept the whole day!!
Anyway, after dinner Pat and I went into the city centre to do some shopping and to pick up the French guy from the Bus Terminal. We were too early and decided to go for a cappuccino which is very difficult in Cork. Either the restaurant, cafe or pub doesn't serve cappuccino or it is so abominable that you have to return it and demand the money back which happened in our case. The barkeeper even made a second one for both of us and when it still looked and tasted like water we asked for our money back and left.

Then we picked up Michael. Pat and I were joking all the way till his arrival that he would better not be 6'2'' tall cos my old bedroom is really very small and we burst into laughter when we first saw him as he is even smaller than me, is bald and has nearly the same shoe size as I myself. .... So, I was lucky, cos if he would have been taller I would have had to give up my room which of course I didn't want. When we got back Alex was still sleeping and only stood up for ingesting some nutrition. .... ;)

So, Michael is really nice, although his language skills are argueable, and I get on well with him.
On Monday I had to wait for him to take him home because finding the way home is very difficult in our case and while waiting I went to Eric's place with Sebastian.
We talked a bit, drank some coffee and did our homework and when I wanted to pick Michael up he had already enrolled in the city tour so I accompanied him which led to being more than three hours late for coming home.
My boyfriend was a bit upset which I can understand but all together we had a nice time. He left Tuesday in the morning and I couldn't even come with him to the airport because I couldn't be late for school ....

Well, on Tuesday I was out till curfew (@ 2 a.m.) with some people from school and I really enjoyed myself. We first went to a pub called 'Counihan' and later to a club called 'Qube' and in the club I danced some Salsa (which was harder than you can imagine). .... lol
As you can imagine I am really exhausted today, but I was on time (I even woke up Michael in the morning because I was up before him) and managed the day somehow.

Well at the mo school is not so exciting and every day I can't wait to get home.
That was it from me today ....
Have a nice week and talk to you soon. (Btw, I'm planning on going to Dublin this week-end but I'm not sure yet cos I have some work to do. ....)

Yours, Joanne.

Éirinn go Brách

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