
Any snow yet?

Although I already know the answer I wanted to know if maybe there's al least a little bit of said. Anywhere. (??)

Divine Proportion

My week-end was grand!! Although I had a searing pain in my knees, I managed to enjoy myself by watching the telly, drinking black tea with milk, smoking cigattes, just relaxing and most importantly: sewing!!
On Saturday I would have been invited to come to a dog race but I wasn't i the mood to go so I stayed in.

But I have to tell you all sth. It turned out Cork wasn't such a nice city after all ....
It is divided by the river into the north and the south part which differ a lot from eachother.
The north part is said to be the home of the working class and 'minor irish' people, whereas the south (where I happen to live) is the more wealthy and rich area.
I was really taken aback when Orla (my new teacher of the second class who rarely laughtes) told us today that if a young man with an nordish accent would approach her and ask her if she would like to dance, she would turn him down whether he's nice, handsome, congenial or a total brat just because she knows his origin. The north side of Cork. ....

Well, not nice, ey?!
But apart from that I'm quite ok.

I only fear that me hostmum Pat could possibly wash my clothes wronly. My beloved aubergine sweater came back lighter than it was before and she doesn't even wash clothes with 30 degrees. Only 40 and 60 degrees and she always uses a drier (because we haven't enough space in the house to hang up the laundry).
I'm quite scared my colourful lace knickers come out of the washing machine colourless and shrinked ....

Whatever. Maybe I just wash them by hand ....

Yesterday I was so bored that the only thing that could have hightened my boredom would have been a good, exciting book.
As I went shopping with Pat in the afternoon (we needed a new duvet for my superb double sized bed!! -> btw: I moved to the other room now .... it's grand!!) I looked for some book but didn't find anything of interest apart from Dan Brown's 'The Da Vinci Code' which I wanted to read for one year now.
Coincidental Pat had it at home so I didn't have to buy it and I already read half of it.
I was really desperate for reading sth decent (not only school work i mean) and exciting and I as well asked my parents to do me the favour of sending me the two latest HP books.

Well, as I'm already halfway through my book I can't wait to go on reading now, so sorry guys .... the detective story is waiting ....

Have a nice week and be good (*smirk*)!!
Good luck with everything and bye.

Ps: I'm sorry if I can't respond to all of your nice mails that came dropping in over the week-end, cos as I already told you I have only half an hour time on the computer in school, so it's not even enough to write a descent blog entry ....
So, sorry for those who didn't get an answer. I'll just try to answer the questions in the blog like a FAQ or so .... k?!

Éirinn go Brách

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