
Still in Salzburg/ Austria ....

Well, hello and welcome to my blog.
This is my first entry and therefore not highly interesting because as the title already states, I'm still in Austria, preparing for my stay (or at least doing as if) ....

I'm really looking foward to moving to Cork, actually I just can't wait to go there!
I will of course miss the people here, my friends, (my parents as well,) the mountains, the snow and brown bread (!) but nevertheless I'm quite eager to begin studying for my certificate.

I will now shortly explain my plans overseas, so just skip the next few lines if you're already up to date. ->
On December 30th my journey to Ireland begins. I'm going by plane to Dublin (the capital of Ireland) where I arrive somewhere in the early afternoon (after a flight of two hours and a half).
Then, after going into the city center by bus, I'll take another bus called 'Aircoach' straight to Cork. This takes four hours and a half. At my final destination my host mum Patricia ('Pat') will pick me up, we'll drive home, get pissed on New Years Eve et cetera.

On January 2nd my course starts and will last ten weeks. So I guess I will be having my exam (which is split up in two tests on one day and after three or four days the other three tests) probably in the middle of March. This is quite annoying because I have to study on my birthday!
Those who know my date of birth will understand me and for those who don't have any idea, it's March 4th and I'm getting one fifth of a century old then, so you'll understand me now as well. Thanks for your pity. I'm definitely going to need it!
(And because everybody knows my birthday now, I expect to become A LOT of congratulation mails, letters and presents!! So, don't you DARE forgetting it!!)

Well, after finishing (and hopefully passing) my exam I'm coming back to Salzburg for about two weeks (till the end of March). Then back to Cork because I would like to earn some money and I hope I can get some job somewhere. I'm planning on staying till the end of June and then finally return to Austria.
If I can't find any decent work (I wouldn't e.g.: want to sell myself) I will of course return earlier.

I hope you'll all still be able to get on with your life although I'm not there anymore .... So, don't do something stupid, I'll be back after two months an a half and after I took my exam (so after the beginning of April) everyone is welcome to share some time with me in Cork!

I think this went quite well for my first entry. I in fact didn't plan on writing THAT much, but whatever .... nevermind ....
Hmm, I think that's (at LAST!) everything I have to say at the moment. Of course I'd be thrilled if you just add some comments to my stories or write me mails from time to time.

We'll stay in touch and after all, I'm still here ....
Loads'a hugs, yours

P.s. (1): For all those who don't understand the title of my blog, here is the translation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erin_Go_Bragh (and explanation).

P.s. (2): AND .... please excuse all mistakes I'm making in my stories. I'm not a native and there are a lot of things I still have to learn .... Thx!

P.s. (3): AND something else: don't be shy to use a dictionnary. There might be expressions you don't understand and could misinterpret (when I start my course ....). This one I'm using for years now: http://dict.leo.org and i can highly recommend it!

Éirinn go Brách

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